Thursday, November 21Followed a recipe perfectly, and still ended up inventing a new dish!

Tag: Breaking Down the Benefits of Power Naps

Breaking Down the Benefits of Power Naps

Breaking Down the Benefits of Power Naps

Remember when you were a child and naptime was the worst part of the day? Now, as an adult, you’d gladly take a job that included a power nap in the schedule, but those are few and far between. However, with more and more research touting the benefits of midday snoozes, you don’t have to feel guilty the next time you need a short rest. It’s common to feel sleepy in the afternoon — after all, you’ve already been awake and focused on many tasks for hours! If you have a short opportunity in your day for a power nap, this little break could be exactly what you need to push through the rest of the day with extra focus and productivity. In this blog, we’ll share the benefits of power naps to help convince you — and maybe your boss — that this small break may be just what the doctor ordered...